CN01...We`re here to serve You!
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American Veterans Educating The Society in Character Academics Rights/Responsibilities and Empowerments. (A V.E.T.S.C.A.R.E., Inc.) In our various goals of educating, mentoring youth and care-taking our many needs in the commUNITY we know that our people are our primary focus in training and providing technical assistance in our very diverse and growing neighborhoods.
It is our altruistic desire to provide numerous organized and comprehensive services that would serve our commUNITY in our need to optimize our human capital. We do understand that what one may not know about education, commUNITY services and the need to be informed is a detriment to order and their quality of life. Therefore, A V.E.T.S.C.A.R.E. endeavors to provide a "beacon" existence to be there when you need U.S. We are your friends through thick and thin; good and bad, happy or sad circumstances. Please, allow us to be there in your times of need. Thank You! ^-^
NE-Group, Inc. of Northern Florida is Northern Education Empowerment Enterprises, Inc. (Blank Page in margin) is in place to provide eclectic and commUNITY developments to serve the greater needs of our very diverse citizens. We do provide services in matters dealing in Real Estate Investing (REI), Compassionate Transitions after a family dynamic changes, Zaken Corporation where items are purchased at below wholesale prices. Lastly, Educational, Financial Investments and Loan originations are also available at NE-Group, Inc.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!